The user will select a unit (this is mandatory).
The user will enter a value in "Current Diesel Consumption (L)" and select values from the dropdowns for "Diesel's Expected Role" and "Diesel Displacement in Sector."
The third column, "Diesel's Expected Role," refers to the role diesel is expected to play in this sector in the future. We provide recommendations for inputs in this column based on global averages, with reasoning explained in the "Notes" sheet. The expected role of diesel will depend on factors such as the competitiveness of alternatives, drop-in capability, infrastructure readiness, etc. However, these values should be tailored to fit the local context. This column reflects the anticipated relevance of diesel in the future, using scenarios like IEA's Stated Policies, Announced Pledges, and Net Zero scenarios as the basis.
Decide as per |
High |
Medium |
Low |
Percentage |
100% |
50% |
10% |
Description |
Diesel remains central to sector operations |
Diesel plays a non-trivial role, but not a central role |
Diesel is minimally important |
The "Diesel Displacement in Sector" field asks the user to choose how much of the remaining diesel will be displaced by bio-based diesel in the future.
Decide as per |
High |
Medium |
Low |
Percentage |
75% |
50% |
20% |
Description |
Bio-based Diesel largely replaces Diesel |
Bio-based diesel somewhat replaces Diesel |
Minor displacement of Diesel by Bio-based Diesel |
Upon submission, the output will be calculated.
* The "Clear" button will reset the input fields.